June 30, 2006

Fork in the Road

These are the days that must happen to you.
-Walt Whitman
It's like stepping over this huge internal divide. One foot is in the past where we've all been hypnotized and asleep, on our knees and obeying masters of the matrix. The other is tenatively touching the other side where all is potential and possibility. Scary and exciting at the same time. Here is the fork in the road where true freedom and unified yet diversified humanity is what we've always sought but didn't know it.

  • We're taking leave of the manufactured reality they forced on us and creating our own
  • We're leaving behind the old oppressive regime
  • We can do this because we're on to them now
  • The tides are turning, the wheel is shifting, the veil is lifting
  • The oppressors are losing their control and they will clamp down on us with the most vehemence they can gather; but they can't control us if we know their game
  • But they won't let go until we cut off their grip on us, sever their hold with our sword of truth, which is awareness and the awakening human consciousness
  • Hold on to your truth. Resist their attempts to instill fear
  • Never let them touch what you really are: infinite love
  • We will be re-unified
I know what I write is true because of a burgeoning rise of wonderful change is being censored and ignored more strongly every day. For example, one of a million points of new light: Permaculture Across Borders shines with astonishing beauty. It opens up a huge window of new life for "third world" and "first world" peoples alike. Check it out! Here's another: Rebecca Solnit's speech to graduating English majors at Berkeley, Welcome to the Impossible World.

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