I would appreciate any and all links that relate to this metaphor. I ask myself lately, "Do I need that anymore?" If I don't, I mentally sort it from my list of necessities. If it's a material thing, I sell it, give it, or toss it. If it's an old attachment or pattern, it's not as easy, but I'm working on a means to let go of these too.
It seems obvious that if we are to build a new world from the roots, we must first gently delete those things that will confuse, crowd, take up precious space. Let them go with gratitude because they taught us something we needed to know. At any rate, my next post will have to do with my thoughts on something called the "gift economy" and why we need it instead of laws that say corporations must make a profit above all else and instead of the slave economy that uses pieces of paper and metal, symbols that dehumanize and destroy.
Found this great poem by Wendell Berry:
How To Be a Poet
Make a place to sit down.
Sit down. Be quiet.
You must depend upon
affection, reading, knowledge,
skill — more of each
than you have — inspiration,
work, growing older, patience,
for patience joins time
to eternity. Any readers
who like your work,
doubt their judgment.
Breathe with unconditional breath
the unconditioned air.
Shun electric wire.
Communicate slowly. Live
a three-dimensioned life;
stay away from screens.
Stay away from anything
that obscures the place it is in.
There are no unsacred places;
There are only sacred places
And desecrated places.
I LOVE love love Wendell Berry!!! I will post my favorite poem of his on my blog.
Nice new digs!!!!
I grow all my own organic herbs and use them holistically (sp?) all winter long. Maybe I will do a blog post on my garden. Hmmmm....now I feel inspired. Thanks for being my muse today! Have a great day!
Howdy Mia. Wow. My first visitor. Glad I could give a little inspiration. It's a nice breather from all the adoption angst --come back and visit soon! {hugs}
I posted my favorite Berry poem and some things I love about Summer. Yes it is FABULOUS we can take a well deserved breather from angst!!! Let's savor it!
Oh, and if you like I will link to your new site here. I have been thinking of adding an enjoyable links section.
I was just thinking about one of your earlier posts this morning that made me want to write about the same thing you wrote about. Hmmm. Fabulous minds tend to work together (LOL). I'm coming over for a visit to your site soon.
I love this post! I am with you on getting rid of stuff. I am going to keep reading here.
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